PI System Training Calender - 2013

PI System Manager Essentials - DPST-SME01 | 3 days

January 7-9

March 4-6

May 8-10

July 1-3

September 2-4

November 4-6

PI System Client Develoger - DPST-SCD02 | 2 days

Febuary 11-12

April 15-16

June 10-11

August 12-13

October 14-15

December 9-10

PI System Client User - DPST-SCUO3 | 1 day

Febuary 4

April 8

June 3

August 5

October 7

December 2

PI Application Development - DPST-PAD04 | 3 days

January 28-30

March 18-20

May 20-22

July 22-24

September 23-25

November 25-27

Pl System Manager Advanced - DPST-SMA05 | 3 days

January 14-16

March 11-13

May 14-16

July 8-10

September 9-11

November 11-13

Pl ACE - DPST-PACE06 | 2 days

Febuary 25-26

April 29-30

June 24-25

August 29-30

October 28-29

December 16-17

PI WebParts - DPST-PWP07 | 1 day

Febuary 18

April 22

June 17

August 19

October 21

December 13


Vision & Mission Statements

  • Mission Statement

    Serving our clients better by making them our priority. Thinking solutions and focusing on outcomes and results.

  • Vision Statement

    To become a market leader and knowledge base, most admired for our passion, people, partnership, performance, innovations and applications.

  • Core Values

    People : we believe without the right people (employees, customers and partners), no organization can constantly evolve with the waves of competition in the industries. We believe its people that makes places and so we value everyone.

    Partners: we believe in the partners that works, we believe we need shoulders to stand on for us to stand tall and remain relevant.

    Integrity: we believe this is what makes any business stand the test of time. Integrity is part of our core values.

    Innovation : we believe same thing can be done in a very different way and believe in constant improvements on each result.

    Time: we value timing into what we do, we deliver to time.

    Value: We strongly believe that all our client should have satisfactory values for whatever product and services we render to them.

    Quality: We are strongly committed to quality control and assurance in all our service to our clients.